Ne Placebo Nasal PIF AZD3778 Loratadine Placebo Mean Range 0, 3 0, 8 0, 5.5 35 1.25 35 1.64 34 1.56 35 179 35 165 34 177 10 min post
Ne Placebo Nasal PIF AZD3778 Loratadine Placebo Mean Range 0, 3 0, 8 0, 5.5 35 1.25 35 1.64 34 1.56 35 179 35 165 34 177 10 min post challenge Mean 4.11 3.85 5.57 Range 0.7, 7.7 1, 8 1.7, 9 50, 200 30, 210 57,ResultsPharmacokinetic observations76.7, 247 125 50, 243 100, 257 114Plasma levels of AZD3778 were stable late into the treatment series (Table 1). The minimum level recorded was 0.3 mol/L and a total of six pre-dose samples wereGreiff et al. Respiratory Research 2010, 11:17 5 ofTable 3 Treatment buy CEP-37440 comparisons for 10 min post challenge mean TNSS PubMed ID: and mean nasal PIF over the last three days of the allergen challenge series.Variable Treatment TNSS Mean differencea -1.87 0.312 95 CI Pvalue <0.001 0.181 0.004 0.124 0.Table 5 Treatment comparisons for TNSS from the diary cards: Period means over five days.Variable Treatment TNSS AZD3778 vs. -morning placebo Loratadine vs. placebo AZD3778 vs. loratadine TNSS AZD3778 vs. -evening placebo Loratadine vs. placebo PubMed ID: AZD3778 vs. loratadine Mean differencea -0.459 -0.174 -0.285 -0.562 -0.172 -0.39 95 CI -0.85, -0.067 Pvalue 0.AZD3778 vs. placebo -1.56 Loratadine vs. placebo AZD3778 vs. loratadine-2.03, -1.09 <0.001 -2.34, -1.4 -0.149, 0.773 5.73, 27.9 -2.43, 19.8 -2.83, 19.-0.569, 0.22 0.381 -0.685, 0.115 -1.04, -0.083 -0.649, 0.305 -0.868, 0.088 0.159 0.022 0.474 0.Nasal PIFAZD3778 vs. placebo 16.8 Loratadine vs. placebo AZD3778 vs. loratadine 8.67 8.a Adjusted mean difference from ANOVA. AZD3778 as well as loratadine reduced post challenge TNSS. In addition, AZD3778 improved post challenge nasal PIF.AZD3778 reduced TNSS in the morning as well as in the evening. a Adjusted mean difference from ANOVA.differences between the treatments regarding morning and evening nasal PIF (data not shown). In contrast to the three-day observation period, mean TNSS of the last five days of the allergen challenge series showed statistically significant reductions in mean TNSS differences between AZD3778 and placebo for morning as well as evening observations (p = 0.023 and 0.022, respectively) (Tables 4 and 5). In contrast, no such effects were observed for loratadine.Lavage fluid observationschallenges, AZD3778 reduced the levels of ECP compared with placebo (Figure 3). For the lavage obtained pre-bradykinin challenge, the numerical reduction in ECP failed to reach statistical significance (Figure 3), whereas the reduction was statistically significant for the post-bradykinin observation (p = 0.038) (Figure 3). Also, focusing on post-bradykinin observations, AZD3778 reduced the levels of ECP compared with loratadine (p = 0.012) (Figure 3). Neither AZD3778 nor loratadine reduced the levels of tryptase and a 2 -macroglobulin (Figure 3).In the placebo run, nasal lavage fluid levels of tryptase, ECP, and a 2 -macroglobulin were elevated in saline lavage fluids collected late into the allergen challenge series (c.f. baseline observation prior to the challenge series) (Figure 1). Also, compared with the baseline as well as with the saline lavage carried out late into the allergen challenge series, bradykinin produced increased levels of a2-macroglobulin (Figure 2). Whereas loratadine failed to affect the lavage fluid indices that were increased by the repeated allergenTable 4 Period means and ranges for TNSS from the diary cards: Period means over five days.Baseline period Variable TNSS -morning Treatment AZD3778 Loratadine Placebo TNSS -evening AZD3778 Loratadine Place.